Wednesday, February 22, 2012

XSqueeze 0.2.9 README.txt

The updated README is now in the main XBMC Wiki on the XSqueeze page.


  1. It seems that SqueezeSlave is not supported, and has problems with things like internet radio / different bit rates. SqueezePlay on the other hand, will play anything, is officially supported, and seems like it might be better to build on. You might not like the interface, but you don't have to use it ... I just think of it as a better SqueezeSlave.

  2. Squeezeslave works fine for radio for me, and I really don't seem much point in alternate bit rate music for 99% of the population. It wasvery easy to integrate.

    That said, I will look at Squeezeplay sometime as well, but the whole LUA/gui complication makes it a less obvious choice.

    Also, there are quite a few reports of synchornisation being less good than with squeezeslave, and frankly for most people this is a bridging solution until things liek rasperbrry Pi mean they can have an XBMC box in every spot rather than squeezeboxes (I would think). A raspberry pi (all of $35), with a cheap LCD tacked on, would be a very effective and cost effective solution, and multi room sync plugins are available/presumably likely to increase/improve as time foes by.

    A new version of Squeezeslave came out a couple of weeks ago so development is still occurring etc. It's effective, light, designed for headless playback - pretty much perfect, and I was able to use it to have a functional SB in XBMC solution within a few hours....

  3. Please add IOS AppleTV support, I am already using Squeezeserver on my NAS and using Squeezepad on my iPad as a player and controller. I can use Airplay to stream from the iPad to the AppleTv, but it would be nices if the Appletv would become a player directly based on XBMC.

  4. That's up to the squeezeslave people I am afraid and I don't think it looks good as the tool chain is not availaible for iOS.

    I am actually going to delete this post as this info is now here:

  5. Great plugin, but how can i configure the squeezeslave to use a different audio output than xbmc? SqSl is used to play music without turning the tv on, via a DAC.
    Any chance?


  6. In the plugin settings you can specify command line options for the players
    so '-o whatever' is what you typically do. Just work out from the command line what you need to do then add the same config into XSqueeze.

    Also - best place to ask for help is:


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